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A cool publishing platform that allows users to create "lenses" online.  Users can pull all thier research in on place.

Show Me

A great whiteboard/video/voice recording app.


A great tool that keeps up with yoru timelines, mentions, and direct messages. You can also follow tweet chats.

Math Tappers

A great way to practice math facts.


Online grammar checking tool.


A tool for


concept maps.

Grammar Up

App for studying grammar skills.

Math Jump

Engaging math practice Android app.


A current evnets application available online or on mobile OS.


A website of short activities, five min.or less, that gets kids moving. 


App for fine motor skills focused on writing.


New technology for teachers and students which simplifes materials, assignments, test, grads, discussions and calendars.


App to create flashcards.

Grammar Up

App for studying grammar skills.

Brilliant Spelling

An Android App. to help with spelling. 


Learning Mgt. System. Provides teachers the tools to add resources as files, links, text on pages, multimedia, and web. 


Teaching students to read and think criticially.

King of Math

Apple app to practice math skills

Viritual Nerd Website

1500 math tutorial videos.

Mobile Grading App.

Last Backpack Generation Resources...


Tellagami is a mobile app that lets you create and share a quick animated Gami video.

A Gami can be an exciting tweet or status update. It can be a fun way to tell a story. It can be a thank you message or a vacation postcard. It can be a birthday greeting, party invite or cool way to share photos. The possibilities are endless!

One Click Timer

Chrome Browser Extention. Super easy timer to use.


A free tool that allows users to create truly interactive timelines. 

Kids Doodle

A great app for students to show evidence of learning AND be creative. 

YouTube Kids

An app specifically designed for younger children.  It is packed full of age appropriate, interesting content for curious young minds. 


Bounce Balls to keep track of noise.

WatchKnowLearn has indexed approximately 50,000 educational videos, placing them into a directory of over 5,000 categories. The videos are available without any registration or fees to teachers in the classroom, as well as parents and students at home 24/7.

A classroom timer we will use in class to keep us on track.

This website has indepth review, practice, animations, quizes, and reviews.

PBIS resources for behaviors.

virtual manimlatives

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